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Case Study: AHS and CHNSC Organizing Pandemic Relief Using  P2P Text Messaging

“Hustle helped us reach AHS patients and community members to inform them about COVID testing and vaccination opportunities”

— Michael Lok, Planning Manager | Asian Health Services

When we prioritize connectivity with one another, we can work through the toughest of life’s chapters, even that of COVID-19.  Learning more about how Asian Health Services and their Community Program (Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative) increased their use of Hustle during the pandemic to provide personalized information about COVID testing availability and vaccination was truly innovative and effective for keeping Bay area residents abreast on COVID information  and resources to protect community members from the virus.  In our latest case study, we reveal more into the obstacles facing the organizations at the beginning of the pandemic, and how conversational peer-based communication helped untether their audience members from fear and uncertainties related to the virus: Free case study!

Who is AHS and CHNSC?

Founded in 1974 in Oakland, CA, AHS offers API communities health, social, and advocacy services. Focused on “whole patient health” coverage, various mental health, case management, nutrition, and dental care resources are available.

Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative. The AHS network’s linguistically broad, providing care in over 14 languages, including:  

  • Cantonese 
  • Vietnamese
  • Mandarin, Khmer, Korean
  • Tagalog, Mien
  • Lao, Mongolian
  • Karen, Karenni
  • Arabic
  • ASL
  • Burmese

Founded in 2005 and now a statewide coalition of 25 different advocacy organizations, CHNSC is an instrumental advocate for low-income, Vietnamese immigrant and refugee workforces in the nail salon industry.

Help Each Other: Pandemic Relief Through Peer-to-Peer Connectivity 

Don’t forget to download the AHS case study to learn more about how the organization in conjunction with it’s Community Program, the Chinese Healthy Nail  Salon Coalition traversed newfound constraints of COVID-19 with the help of Hustle’s P2P communication platform. 

Hustle offers organizations of all sizes like AHS and others  the unique opportunity  to  drive authentic engagement  with  support  networks by  meeting supporters and followers in the hottest  channel  of communication available to us – texting.  

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