We’re excited to announce we’ll be attending the National Sports Forum 2022 in Austin, TX, this February 28 – March 2! While we continue innovating and expanding Hustle’s conversational peer-based communication solutions for athletic organizations, networking and research opportunities like NSF are critical for keeping a finger on the pulse of trends and insights defining the P2P space for high-performance athletics. We look forward to joining discussions focused on the following topics:
- Fan engagement
- Ticket management
- Audience retention
- Customer service and retention
- Using SMS to create community
National Sports Forum 2022
The National Sports Forum is one of the largest annual collections of sports industry business professionals representing a broad spectrum of teams, leagues, agencies, and corporate partners, like the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHA, MLS, and more. NSF is an excellent opportunity for sports business professionals to learn and connect on the main pillars of sports fan engagement, including:
- Sponsorship sales and partner activation
- Marketing and fan engagement
- Ticket sales and service
- Business development
- Diversity and inclusion
Event Details:
- When: Feb 28 – March 2
- Where: Austin, TX
- Register
- Learn More
See You At NSF 2022
Hustle helps athletic organizations treat fans like valued guests. Peer-to-peer text and video messaging allow organizations using Hustle to connect with fans, enhance the live experience, and bring fans closer to the action through a personalized approach to sports fan engagement.
Connect with us at NSF! Contact Hustle Account Executive Tim Tully ([email protected]), or let’s continue the conversation around other questions you have regarding Hustle’s peer-to-peer text and video platform and start turning text into action.
See you at NSF!